Grey and white cat sitting up

10 Weird Cat Behaviours Explained

Ever caught your cat doing something bizarre and wondered why? Let’s break down some of the strangest things cats do and what they really mean.



Cats are full of quirks, and if you’re a cat owner, you’ve probably seen your feline do some downright weird things. From licking plastic bags to suddenly zooming around after using the litter box, these odd behaviours often leave us scratching our heads. But there’s usually a reason behind these peculiar actions. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 weird cat behaviours, why they happen, and how you can respond to them.


1. Licking Plastic Bags

Ever found your cat going to town on a plastic bag? This odd behaviour is more common than you’d think. The plastic could contain animal fat residues or be made with cornstarch, both of which attract cats. It’s also thought that some cats simply enjoy the texture. While it might be funny to watch, keep an eye on them to avoid accidental ingestion. Try giving them a fun cat toy instead.


2. “Butt Presentation”

It’s a classic move: your cat turns around and lifts their tail right in your face. While it might seem a bit rude, it’s actually a sign of trust and affection. In the cat world, showing their rear is a friendly gesture, a bit like offering a handshake.


3. Post-Poop Zoomies

The litter box is clean, the deed is done, and suddenly—your cat is racing around the house at top speed! This post-poop energy burst is likely due to the sudden relief they feel after going, combined with a rush of adrenaline. It’s perfectly normal and harmless, though it can be startling!


4. Kneading Soft Surfaces

When your cat “makes biscuits” on your blanket, it’s a sign of comfort. Kneading is a leftover behaviour from kittenhood, when they kneaded their mother’s belly for milk. As adults, it means they’re feeling cozy, content, or even marking their territory with scent glands in their paws.


5. Random Meowing with No Clear Reason

Cats love to communicate, and some are more vocal than others. Random meows could mean anything from “I’m bored” to “Just checking in.” Pay attention to the tone and frequency to better understand what your cat might be trying to tell you.


6. Sudden Bouts of Grooming (Even Mid-Play)

If your cat suddenly stops playing and starts grooming, it’s not because they’re bored—it’s often a sign of excitement or mild stress. Cats use grooming as a way to self-soothe, a bit like how humans might twiddle their thumbs when anxious.


7. Staring at You Without Blinking

If your cat gives you a slow, intense stare, it’s usually a form of communication. Cats use eye contact to show trust, love, or even assert dominance. But if they’re blinking slowly, it’s the feline version of a kiss—try slow-blinking back to return the affection!


8. Follows You to the Bathroom

Ever notice your cat insists on joining you in the bathroom? It’s not just curiosity; it’s about security and wanting to be close to you. Cats are often most affectionate in quiet moments, and the bathroom seems like a safe, private place to them—plus, they’re fascinated by running water!


9. Head Butting You

If your cat affectionately head butts you, they’re showing love and marking you with their scent. Known as “bunting,” this behaviour is a sign of trust and a way for cats to mark their territory. Consider it your cat’s way of saying, “You’re part of my crew!”


10. Stealing Hair Ties and Hiding Them

Many cats love swiping small items like hair ties and hiding them in secret spots. It’s a playful behaviour that mimics hunting and hiding prey. Make sure the items they steal are safe and non-toxic to prevent choking hazards.



Cats may be full of strange behaviours, but they all have reasons, whether it’s seeking comfort, marking territory, or simply expressing love. Understanding these quirky actions can help you bond with your cat and make sense of their unique personalities. Next time your cat licks a plastic bag or follows you into the bathroom, you’ll know what’s behind it!