How To Prepare Your Puppy Dog For Brushing

Regular brushing is important for skin and coat health. Your choice of a brush will depend on the nature of your puppy’s coat.

Pin brush: Most popular brush. Good for catching hair before it ends up on the floor or furniture. However, this brush is the least dynamic, so it’s best used toward the end of a grooming session.

Bristle brush: This is a good brush for puppies with short hair/smooth fur. Its bristles stimulate the skin and manage loose fur.

Slicker brush: Use a slicker brush if your puppy has a medium/long coat. Good for removing mats of hair.

Rake: Use a rake on a long-haired puppy to remove masses of a dead or mangled coating.

First, brush against the growth of the hair. Then, brush in accordance with hair growth. This will ensure you remove loose hair and stubborn clumps.

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