If you have lost your cat and he is not up the nearest tree then you need to know the way to find your lost animal. Read further for the best hints and tips in finding your beloved feline friend, and hopefully you will have the sound of purring in your ear once more.
Your cat truly is a creature of habit
Cats like almost every other animal on this planet are creatures of habit so the term “my cat has run away” is not one that can really be used. It is very unlikely that your cat has decided to pack his bags and leave for pastures new, so finding it is very important.
The reason cats do not simply run away is because your home and the surrounding area is its territory and they do not just leave this very important patch. If your cat is lost the likelihood is that something has gone wrong and it needs help; maybe it has strayed from its territory by itself or by things out of its control. If your cat is missing you will need to begin a search ASAP because it could be the case that now your cat and its life are at serious risk.
Check your home thoroughly; there have been cases where owners have thought their cat has become lost only to find it in the attic, behind the fridge, or in my own personal experience, under the floorboards.
Who knows your cat best?
No one knows your cat better than you, its owner, so try to recall its habits and the places it regularly goes. Trace familiar steps and speak to neighbours who may have seen it, while you will also need to check small holes and trees in your neighbourhood. A cat stuck up a tree is a cliché but it happens and sometimes they simply cannot get back down, mostly through fear.
Spread your search to a wider area by issuing a poster campaign. This is the classic image of a missing pet, the poster on every lamppost in town, but it works. A clear good quality photo, a brief description of the cat, and the word MISSING Are all that are needed. To aid the posters you can go door to door asking people if they have seen your cat, and as you leave your cats regular territory this can be important. Lost cats often get re-housed by people who notice the new animal in their area and believe it to be homeless, so by going door to door you will know if someone has taken your cat in.
Always check animal shelters for your cat
You should also make the animal shelters in your area your new best friends, and should be calling them every couple of days. Your cat could easily have been picked up by an animal control worker or handed in as a stray. Also remember that not everyone likes cats and nefarious activity cannot be ruled out, so make sure you ask if there has been anyone behaving weirdly towards cats in general in your neighbourhood.
If you have lost your cat some encouraging news is that cats are mostly self-sufficient animals and can fend for themselves if lost. This means time is on your side as there are cases where lost cats have returned or been found over a year after getting lost.
If you have lost your cat and are lucky enough to find it, one of the first things you will want to do is get rid of any fleas it may have caught while running wild. Frontline Plus for Cats is an excellent product for combating fleas on your beloved kitty. Visit Vet Products Direct for more flea and tick products for cats.