As veterinarians learn increasingly more pertaining to dog skin diseases there is a large increase in the number of dog shampoo products available in the marketplace. Which one should you buy for your own canine companion? The two main options you are going to have are medicated or non-medicated dog shampoo and dog conditioner.
Non-medicated dog shampoo
Healthy skin, paired with a lack of scratching, more than likely means that your dog is in good health as far as the outside goes. All you want to do here is clean your dog properly and on occasion, not too frequently, you can wash your dog with one of the various non-medicated dog shampoos. If your dog tends to roll around in the mud or get extremely dirty you can wash more often. Ideally, you can find one of the natural shampoos that have a very minimal amount of chemicals inside.
Some dogs have sensitive skin and will need a hypoallergenic option. If they have mild redness or have a tendency to scratch then you might need to look into this option. Hypoallergenic shampoos will cause very little irritation and usually include moisturizing agents like oatmeal which will stop much of the itching.
One of the most common problems that you are going to face with your dog’s skin is a flea infestation. A flea shampoo for dogs is going to be fairly mild and is a great option when there aren’t that many fleas, or if you are using something to also control flea eggs. The shampoo has to be rinsed off which won’t protect on a long term basis. Look into something like “Fido’s Free-Itch Rinse” if you want something that will offer residual protection since it is left on the dog skin to dry.
There are cases when shampoo won’t completely do the job, with more serious skin conditions your veterinarian might prescribe oral medications or additional topical ointments and creams. In all likelihood there will be a combination of all of the above.
Generally speaking, dog skin that is healthy and normal will benefit greatly from a mild, non-medicated type of dog shampoo and dog conditioner. If there are problems that cannot be solved with this kind of shampoo you will have to start taking a look at medicated options. Buy non-medicated dog shampoos
Medicated dog shampoo
Every now again it is possible that your dog might need to buy medicated dog shampoo to solve a more serious problem. Your veterinarian should be the one that makes that diagnosis, not you. They will then give you one of these options to go home with.
Antimicrobial/Antifungal Dog Shampoo
Shampoos like this are going to be vital in times where an infection is the root of the skin condition. Most commonly you are going to be facing Malessezia dermatitis if you are looking into this kind of shampoo. This is also effective against ringworm problems in cats and dogs.
Tar and Coal Shampoo
For conditions like seborrhea this will be useful. Your dog’s skin will become thick and flaky. What this tar-based shampoo is going to do is soothe the itching associated with the condition and remove the flaking skin to soften the skin a great deal.
Selenium Sulphide Options
If the skin thickens a great deal and infection ensues then a selenium-infused option is superior to tar or coal. This will reduce the flakes in the same way.
Salicylic Acid Dog Shampoo
Shampoos like those including salicylic acid and sulphur have a very strong antifungal property and will soothe the itching as well. These are milder than the other options so they are great if stronger ones have irritated your dog’s skin.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Some dogs will have skin conditions that affect the hair follicle directly. Schnauzer Comedome Syndrome or Demodectic mange are the most common among these. These are very strong and will stain your dog’s coat, bleach any fabric it comes into contact with, and are a general hassle so be careful when using them.
Other than shampoos, you should remember medications that are applied to the skin. Advantix is the most common and should be used more than two days before bathing. It takes a while for the medication to spread throughout the skin and you don’t want to be washing it away before it has taken effect. Advantage treatments shouldn’t be used until two days AFTER the bath, in addition, because you are going to have to allow the dog’s natural oils to return before you apply it.