What to look for in a dog flea treatment comparison

It’s just as important to consider the products you’re putting in your pooch’s system as it is your own. When it comes to doing your research in the area of a dog flea treatment comparison, knowing what to look for can make all the difference in keeping your pet protected from nasty, unwanted visitors, and leaving them open to a tick and flea infestation. Since that’s not high on anyone’s priority list, let’s take a look at the things to consider when it comes to fleas and ticks treatment!

1. Does the treatment treat fleas and ticks or only fleas?

Different regions are open to different parasites. Fleas are a common problem Australia-wide, but ticks are more likely to occur in certain Australian hot spots, particularly across the Australian East Coast. 


Even if you live in a region that isn’t known for high risks of ticks, it’s best to speak with your vet to make sure you’re giving your pet the most appropriate form of protection based on your particular situation.

2. Is the treatment administered topically or orally?

Oral treatments are often preferred by vets as they can leave less room for human error. Knowing whether or not tick and flea treatment has been successful is simple via oral administration: if the dog swallows the tablet without vomiting soon after, you’re in the clear.

Topical treatments aren’t quite so simple, and lose their effectiveness if your dog gets wet within the first 48 hours of treatment. Topical treatments need to get through fur down to the skin layer, so it’s even more difficult to know if it’s been effective for fluffier dogs. 

Your vet will be able to advise you on the recommended form of treatment that’s most suited to your dog, keeping these factors in mind.

3. Should the fleas and ticks treatment be combined with worming?

The decision to combine fleas and ticks treatment with worming often comes down to personal preference or climate consideration. Some prefer to administer flea treatments only during the warmer times of the year, but still keep up their worming defenses with regular worming treatment. 

While there’s no single product that can adequately provide coverage for every potential Australian bug, Nexgard Spectra is an option that covers fleas, worms, intestinal worms, and ticks. This product sits high on the list of dog flea treatment comparisons given its comprehensiveness, and can be a great solution for dogs who are less cooperative when it comes to regular medication!

4. How frequently should you be treating your dog for best tick and flea defence?

Monthly or quarterly tick and flea treatment also comes down to personal preference, and can be altered to suit individual worming schedules. If you’re already giving your dog a different kind of monthly tablet, using a monthly flea and tick prevention product is an easy way to ensure your dog is remaining up to date and adequately protected.