Cats Making Scents Of Smells

There are plenty of people who won’t even notice the smell of pets in a house. There are probably even more people who would want nothing more than to trade the awful smell for fresh flowers and the smell of their mum’s cooking. Luckily, we can help you out if there is a growing cat smell problem taking over your otherwise clean home.

What’s with all the cat hair?

You might not notice it for a long time, but chances are that there is a growing problem involving your cat’s shed hair. Once the hair starts gathering you will be left with a pretty strong odour that is a dead giveaway that there are cats living there.

If you are going to get any kind of control over the problem you are going to have to get rid of the hair immediately! Simply by brushing your cat on a regular basis you will gain a lot of ground against the problem. There are also plenty of covers that will be easy to wash and protect your furniture. You can also check out a number of new-to-the-market vacuum cleaners like the Pet Master and Big Cat and Dog that can pick up dog and cat hair in ways that most can’t.

Why do wet cats smell so bad?

The smell of wet cats is music to your nose, right? Chances are, your answer to that question is no. They smell bad. You can’t deny it! Unfortunately, that is one problem here that I can’t help you with. It would be wise, though, to keep your cat dry in order to keep it at bay.


Solving bad cat breath problems

Plenty of people have problems with bad breath. It’s a common problem after all. What if you had never had an opportunity to brush your teeth in your life, though? Why would you expect your cat to have great smelling breath?

Cat teeth and gums are prone to the same exact problems that humans, but they also lack the ability to take care of them on their own. Cavities happen, as does gingivitis, and are serious threats. These are also the main causes of bad breath. As a loving cat owner you can make sure that this is as little of a problem as possible. Find out more cat dental care products from Vet products Direct.

It will take a lot of practice probably. If you start brushing when they are kittens they might not be entirely against it when they get older, but good luck convincing an older cat that it’s ok! If you aren’t one of the lucky ones that have a cat that doesn’t mind brushing you might have to rely on food additives to do the job. Dry cat foods will help out a lot, especially ones like Science Diet Oral Care, and contain minerals that keep gums and teeth clean and healthy. Solving these particular problems will go a long way in controlling cat smells. Love My Pet offers plenty of information on this and other topics along with great deals on things like Frontline Plus Cats.

What about cat litter box smells?

Once you get a new kitten it can be a family affair whenever it comes to the bathroom. The litter box is a genius invention for cat owners and lets you give them a bathroom anywhere that is out of the way. The thing that you have to pay attention to here is the litter that you are using. The right litter will make a huge difference. You are going to want great absorption, clumping, and odour control like that offered by Supersorb’s Koacat Activated Zeolite litter or Cat San from Uncle Ben’s.